Well with the recent developments it is almost certain that Yakub Menon will be surely hang very soon following his conviction in Mumbai serial blasts. Recently superstar Salman Khan tweeted saying that he feels that Tiger Menon who is on a run should be hang and not Yakub. The tweets were not accepted by a section of society especially some BJP members who gathered outside his house and protested today. Well it's a free country and everybody has the right to express himself and that is what Salman Khan did but sadly again religious politics has started happening and many are questioning him for his loyalty towards the nation and this is sad.
Salman Khan is one of the biggest name in our country and is one guy who has always been clear about what he thinks and is doing work beyond religion by heading a non religious organisation Being Human who helps those in need without taking into consideration the person religion. Yes, he has some criminal charges against him for which the trial is going on but the way he is doing good for the society also cannot be ignored. But this is what happens in our country all the times, people just wait for an opportunity to fight over the smallest of the issues. Yes, court has given the punishment to Yakub and we should respect the verdict but how is someone wrong if he just wants to express himself and what he feels. Nevertheless, Salman has again tweeted apologising for his tweets saying that he did not had the intention to hurt anyone. Well for the person of his stature it is very impressing and the protests should end now.
Salman Khan is one of the biggest name in our country and is one guy who has always been clear about what he thinks and is doing work beyond religion by heading a non religious organisation Being Human who helps those in need without taking into consideration the person religion. Yes, he has some criminal charges against him for which the trial is going on but the way he is doing good for the society also cannot be ignored. But this is what happens in our country all the times, people just wait for an opportunity to fight over the smallest of the issues. Yes, court has given the punishment to Yakub and we should respect the verdict but how is someone wrong if he just wants to express himself and what he feels. Nevertheless, Salman has again tweeted apologising for his tweets saying that he did not had the intention to hurt anyone. Well for the person of his stature it is very impressing and the protests should end now.
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